Saint Mary
Men's Ministry

Ridgefield, CT


The StMMM has created several Resource Teams which will be accountable for promoting activities critical to fulfilling the StMMM’s mission. 

The Teams will be chaired by members of the StMMM Core Group and will include individual StMMM members.

The proposed teams, and their tentative missions, are described below:

For more information, contact:

Tim O'Connell

Faith Formation

The Call to Formation/Faith Maturity Team was established to create additional opportunities and resources for deepening our understanding, awareness and commitment to the Catholic faith.  The Team’s efforts will focus primarily on the following three aspects of our spiritual lives:

  • Prayer
  • Learning
  • Fellowship

Mission and Outreach

The Mission and Outreach Team was established to increase participation in parish activities, to promote Catholic advocacy, and to fulfill Christ’s call to charity and service of others. The following are among the activities on which the Team will focus:

  • Parish service opportunities (Parish ministries, etc.)
  • Community service opportunities: Dorothy Day, Midnight Run, Knights of Columbus, etc.
  • Appeals from membership to support charitable projects or organizations 

Within the we have provided a list activities available locally.  These represent a fraction of the opportunities available, but are a great place to get started.   The activities are organized by topic and include a diverse set of organizations.  Click on the links below to get a list of activies by topic:

Help for the Homeless/Needy
Help for People with Disabilities
Help for the Elderly
Help for Children
Right to Life
Faith, Formation and Fellowship
St. Mary’s Parish Ministries


The Communication Team (CT) was established to provide a focal point for all communications for the StMMM, both internal and external. The CT is a resource to support the other StMMM Teams in promoting their objectives and initiatives. Its goals include the following:

  • Provide effective communication mechanisms and content to support StMMM
  • Provide communications support to other Teams: literature, promotions, etc.
  • Send email blasts and posts to bulletin board
  • Manage publicity efforts, welcome package, brochure, letterhead, banners, etc.
  • Manage marketing/communication suppliers and costs
  • Manage the appeals process 


The Operations Team was established to ensure the long term success and sustainability of the StMMM through effective management of the financial affairs of the StMMM, as well as the enhanced organization and efficient administration of key MM activities including:

  • Saturday morning meetings
  • Quarterly Core Meetings
  • Captain’s Meeting
  • Social Events sponsored by the MM 


The Recruitment Team was established to expand the number of men belonging to the ministry, both from St. Mary Parish and outside the Parish. It also aims to increase the level of participation in the weekly meetings and ancillary events. Its current goals include the following:

Expand the total membership within the ministry to 200 men by June 2010
Increase the attendance at weekly meetings to 100 men per week by June 2010

Technology Support

The Technology Support Resource Team was established to provide, develop and manage technology support for the StMMM. It is a resource to support the other StMMM Teams in promoting their objectives and initiatives. Its goals include the following:

  • Provide effective technology and content to support StMMM: website, database, calendar, bulletin board, weekly email blasts, etc.
  • Control website content and emails
  • Manage technology suppliers and cost
  • Research new technology services and provide them, as needed