The Mission and Outreach Team was established to increase participation in parish activities, to promote Catholic advocacy, and to fulfill Christ’s call to charity and service of others. The following are among the activities on which the Team will focus:
- Parish service opportunities (Parish ministries, etc.)
- Community service opportunities: Dorothy Day, Midnight Run, Knights of Columbus, etc.
- Appeals from membership to support charitable projects or organizations
Within the StMMM website we have provided a list of activities available locally. These represent a fraction of the opportunities available, but are a great place to get started. The activities are organized by topic and include a diverse set of organizations. Click on the links below to get a list of activies by topic:
Help for the Homeless/NeedyTop
Dorothy Day House of Hospitality
There are three ways St. Mary Parishioners help the Danbury Soup Kitchen and Shelter of Dorothy Day: One Sunday a month parishioners volunteer at the soup kitchen cooking, serving, and greeting; another group makes sandwiches in the St. Mary School Kitchen to take to Dorothy Day in Danbury. Regular volunteers and substitutes are always needed and welcome. Please know that this is a wonderful opportunity to serve your church and parish.
Catholic World Mission
Together with some enterprising lay Catholics, Fr. Thomas Moylan, LC, a priest with the Legionaries of Christ, helped found Catholic World Mission in 1998. Initially, the goal of CWM was to support Catholic education and missionary activities around the world. Building on these goals today, we focus on five core aspects of development: education, medical missionary work, evangelization, disaster relief, and building physical infrastructure where there is none. Our mission remains to bring all souls to Christ, while seeking to end physical and spiritual poverty through our ongoing projects. https://www.kintera.org/site/pp.asp?c=9dJHJLPwB&b=2494
Habitat for Humanity
Habitat for Humanity is a nonprofit, ecumenical Christian housing organization building simple, decent, affordable housing in partnership with people in need. http://www.habitat.org
Malta House
Malta House welcomes your help in providing safe housing, parenting guidance, education, job training, mentoring and child care for single homeless mothers and their babies. http://www.maltahouse.org
Midnight Run
Several times a year, food and clothing is collected and a "Midnight Run" to New York City is made to distribute the collection to the homeless. Call the parish office at 203-438-6538.
Meals on Wheels
The mission of Meals On Wheels Association of America is to provide visionary leadership and professional training and to develop partnerships that will ensure the provision of quality nutrition services. http://www.mowaa.org/Page.aspx?pid=477
Shepherds, Inc
The Shepherds Program seeks to address a basic need in the lives of disadvantaged inner city youths who are at-risk -- emotionally, financially or environmentally – that is, the need for a quality high school education. The Sponsor/Mentor relationship offered by Shepherds Inc. is unique and has proven to lead at-risk youth to reach their fullest academic potential as the Program provides the tools they need to become responsible members of society and pursue and achieve their dreams. http://www.shepherdsinc.com/AboutUs.asp
St. Crispan Friary
420 east 156 Street
Bronx, NY 10455
Tel# is 1-718-665-2441, press choice # 2 for Father Louis Marie
Help for People with DisabilitiesTop
Ridgefield Sunrise Cottage
Ridgefield Sunrise Cottage is a residence for members of the community with disabilities. It is part of ARI (Always Reaching for Independence) http://www.arict.org/ , and devoted to "enriching the lives of people with disabilities and their families by enabling them to achieve their fullest potential at home, at work and in the community." Among many services offered to its members, ARI supplies medical provisions, recreational opportunities and career counseling to strengthen the lives of their tenants.
Ability Beyond Disability
Ability Beyond Disability http://www.abilitybeyonddisability.org , was founded in 1953 by a group of parents who wanted a better life for their children with disabilities. Its mission To enable individuals whose independent living skills are impaired by disability, illness or injury, to achieve and maintain self-reliance, fulfillment and comfort at home, at work and in the community, by providing the best comprehensive home, health and rehabilitation services.
Van Service
Volunteer drivers take people to Sunday Mass who would find it difficult to get to Church on their own. The volunteers also are called upon to take people to the hospital for treatments and to doctors' visits. St. Mary's owns a van for this purpose. Please call office for more information 203-438-6538
Visitation to the Homebound
Homebound parishioners continue to celebrate the Eucharist thanks to a dedicated group of Eucharistic Ministers. Please see the Parish web site http://stmarysridgefield.org/ministries.htm or call the Parish office at 203-438-6538
Save the Children
Save the Children is the leading independent organization creating lasting change in the lives of children in need in the United States and around the world. Recognized for our commitment to accountability, innovation and collaboration, our work takes us into the heart of communities, where we help children and families help themselves. http://www.savethechildren.org
Malta House
Malta House welcomes your help in providing safe housing, parenting guidance, education, job training, mentoring and child care for single homeless mothers and their babies. http://www.maltahouse.org
Shepherds, Inc
The Shepherds Program seeks to address a basic need in the lives of disadvantaged inner city youths who are at-risk -- emotionally, financially or environmentally – that is, the need for a quality high school education. The Sponsor/Mentor relationship offered by Shepherds Inc. is unique and has proven to lead at-risk youth to reach their fullest academic potential as the Program provides the tools they need to become responsible members of society and pursue and achieve their dreams. http://www.shepherdsinc.com/AboutUs.asp
St Joseph's Parenting Center
Our own parishioners, Measy O'Rourke and Maura O'Connor have founded Saint Joseph Parenting Center that is dedicated to breaking the cycle of child abuse. ... By providing free classes, Saint Joseph Parenting Center gives parents ...
Right to life advocates Pro Life causes and assists the Birthright organization in offering understanding, emotional and practical support. Please see the Parish web site http://stmarysridgefield.org/ministries.htm or call the Parish office at 203-438-6538
Rachel’s Vineyard
Offers weekend retreats held across the United States for any woman or man who has struggled with the emotional and spiritual pain of an abortion. http://www.rachelsvineyard.org
Sisters of Life
The Sisters of Life is a contemplative/active religious community dedicated to protecting and advancing a sense of the sacredness of all human life — beginning with the infant in the womb and extending to all those vulnerable to the threat of euthanasia. http://sistersoflife.org
Faith, Formation and Fellowship Top
Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors
These ministries add to the beauty and solemnity of the Mass. Parishioners interested in participating should see the Parish web site http://stmarysridgefield.org/ministries.htm or call the Parish office at 203-438-6538
Knights of Columbus
Knights of Columbus Marquette Council #245 provides an opportunity for Catholic men to grow in the knowledge and practice of their faith, to be of service to the Church, and to enjoy Christian fellowship. Meetings are on the first and third Thursday of each month in the Parish Barn located next to St. Mary's Church. For more information, visit their web site at http://www.kofc245.org
Men's Ministry
The Men’s Ministry’s mission is to help the men of our parish create a proper balance between Church, Family and Work. If you would like further information on the Men's Ministry please click here or contact st.mary.mm@gmail.com.
Perpetual Adoration
Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration is round-the-clock exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in a constant vigil of prayer, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, throughout the year. St. Mary's Adoration Chapel within the school building is reserved for this purpose and is referred to as our parish's Adoration Chapel. All are invited to spend one hour a week in Eucharistic Adoration. Please see the Parish web site http://stmarysridgefield.org/ministries.htm or call the Parish office at 203-438-6538
St. Mary’s Parish MinistriesTop
Altar Flowers
Mrs. Ingela Gram creates the beautiful flower arrangements that grace our altar and add to the beauty of our liturgies each Sunday and Holy Day.
Altar Guild
If you can spare eight hours a year, the Altar Guild could use your help keeping the altars and sanctuary neat and clean.
Altar Servers
We encourage all girls and boys in a least fourth grade to join in this very important service.
Baptism Robes
Baptism robes are prepared for our newest Christians through the generosity of parishioners.
Fall Festival
The Fall Festival is the major parish event of the year. Held the Saturday after Labor Day, the Fair is a full day of jam-packed fun for the entire town. Volunteers are needed in every area, from planning and preparation to running booths and cleaning up.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee works closely with the Pastor on financial matters of the Parish community.
Little Rock Scripture Study
Enrich your understanding of the Bible and what it means to live out our Catholic faith. Tuesday morning and Monday evening sessions are offered.
Parish Nurse Program
The Parish Nurse Program uses a holistic approach to promote health and healing in the congregation. Their weekly visits to nursing homes and hospitals are a comfort to many parishioners.
Senior Citizens
Mass followed by a luncheon October through June in the hall.
Sewing & Crafts
Share your talents or learn new ones with this friendly group when they meet on Wednesday mornings to make crafts for the Christmas Boutique and the Fall Festival.
Mission Society
Frs. Peter and Greg Short are missionary priests from St. Mary's Parish serving God's people in Argentina. A Mission Boutique, headed by Mrs. Peg Short, mother of the missionaries, is held at St. Mary's every year and the proceeds go to support Frs Peter and Greg's mission work.
Music Ministry
The Music Ministry at St. Mary's is a multi-faceted organization that aids in the spiritual enhancement of the weekend and weekday liturgies. There are many opportunities to help out and to participate through various adult choirs, children's choirs and instrumental ensembles. In addition to the music provided for at the various yearly liturgies, the Music Ministry sponsors concerts of all sorts to help bring the community closer in prayer and fellowship. We welcome volunteers of any sort to help us in our ministry - no commitment is too large or too small! For more information on the Music Ministry or to find out where you can help out please contact the Parish Music Office (438-6539, ext. 300)
Youth Ministry
LIFE TEEN is a comprehensive Catholic youth ministry devoted to leading teens and their families closer to Christ. High school students meet every Sunday evening in the Hall for 5pm LIFE TEEN Mass followed by a LIFE Night until 7:30. Other activities include bible studies, retreats, socials, concerts, service projects, a mission trip and plenty of other special events throughout the year. Check out our website at www.smrlifeteen.com!